We aim to ensure our students have the necessary skills required for employment. This comes through developing IT User skills and practical skills. We heavily focus on developing skills related to safe use of computers; this entails topics like cyberbullying, trolling, viruses, hacking and social networking. We teach our students to use these effectively and how to report and prevent incidents related to this. We teach our students the need for learning IT and Computing skills and future benefits of acquiring these skills. A big aspect of our curriculum is to look at the legal aspects related to computing in society e.g. Copyright law, Computer Misuse Act and Data Protection Act. Students learn the need for these, their main principles and implications if someone does not follow these rules. Through Computing and Programming, students gain understanding of problem solving and logical thinking. They develop these skills with software’s such as Scratch, Micro bits and Sphero programming, Serif Suite which gives them more hands on experience. Students gain basic skills to either pursue employment route or enrol on to Level 2/Level 3 courses.
TLM Level 1/Level 2 IT User skills
Digital Functional Skills Entry 3/Level 1
KS3 Computing curriculum, National Online Safety qualifications
Post 16 destinations/careers:
Level 2/3 Qualifications
ICT systems Support
ICT professional competence qualifications