Careers development equips individuals to take ownership in navigating their own career pathway.

Careers is a lifelong process of self-exploration and awareness. Continual knowledge about the ever changing world of work and decision making.


Each year group will be covering careers and work-related learning which helps young people develop knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make successful choices and manage transitions. This is constructed around three main areas:

Self-awareness – Recognise how you are changing, what you have to offer and what is important.

Self-determination – How you manage your well-being, process and achievements.

Self-improvement as a learner – Review and reflect, upon how you are through employability and enterprise.

Post 16 destinations/careers:

Careers development will prepare students for:


Training providers





Useful resources and links:


National Careers Services

Gatsby Benchmarks Framework

Apprenticeships /Traineeships

Meet The Team

Our Gallery