When children study Art, they are able to explore and experiment with a range of media and artistic styles to express themselves creatively.
For more information about the intent, implementation and impact of Art within our Primary Curriculum please select ‘Further Information’ for linked documents.
Our long term plan for Art is in line with the National Curriculum to ensure that all pupils are following the objectives relevant to their level of learning. We aim to ensure that all children have the skills and knowledge in Art to enable them to expressive themselves creatively and to prepare them for their next stages of education.
Children gain and develop skills in drawing, painting and modelling and knowledge about artists in the past and present day. They combine these skills and knowledge to create their own pieces of work and to express themselves throughout the curriculum.
We try to make Art as practical as possible to keep our children engaged and enjoying the subject through a variety of creative and practical activities. We look at the work of famous artists, sculptors and architects and base some of our work around their ideas. Children learn the skills needed for drawing, painting and modelling to enable them to express themselves within Art lessons but also throughout the curriculum. Our topics are cross-curricular and link to the half termly themes on our long term plan.
Cultural Capital
We study a wide range of artists, sculptors and architects from the past and present day, giving the children an insight into how Art is relevant and how they can become artists themselves. We plan a trip once a year to experience Art in the ‘real world’.