It is essential that children are given opportunities to learn about current affairs and the modern world in which they live.
For more information about the intent, implementation and impact of Modern Britain within our primary curriculum please select ‘Further Information’ for linked documents.
To develop learners to have a holistic set of values that prepares them for life in the modern world in a diverse and ever changing community and work place.
The impact is that, our children, will be academically and physically prepared for life in secondary school, in Modern Britain and the world.
Cultural Capital
Over the school year we organise visits to places of interest. Pupil voice is used to help obtain feedback from our pupils and to inform our future planning so that we can help develop and inform our children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of Modern Britain.
Modern Britain and British Values are defined as:
- Democracy
- Rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
These values are taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE). British Values are deeply woven through whole school planning, delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our school also plans a wide variety of offsite educational visits, including residential. Visitors are also invited into school as a way of enhancing subject knowledge and providing the learners with real life experiences.