
Pupils work evidences a broad and balanced creative curriculum and demonstrates the pupil’s acquisition of identified key skills and knowledge. The Enterprise project showcases the pupil’s designs and uses skills for a range of other curriculum subjects. Pupil voice is taken at the end of Summer Term which is used by leaders to further improve our pupil’s experiences.


The study of English helps children’s abilities to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. We believe that a quality English curriculum should develops children’s love of reading writing and discussion. We offer a well-organised English Curriculum that provides many purposeful opportunities for pupils to use their knowledge, skills and understanding. Our curriculum closely follows the aims of the National Curriculum.


English is taught every day in mixed age groups. Talk 4 Writing approach to the teaching of writing is followed, this is an approach that teaches children to love writing stories through telling stories. This is differentiated to suit different needs and abilities. Children are exposed to a variety of texts throughout the year.

Each class has access to a wide range of resources to support the teaching of English, laptops, handwriting pens/pencils, dictionaries, thesaurus of various types and whiteboards.


We aim that students leave KS2 with more confidence have had the opportunity to develop a love of reading and writing with the key skills and knowledge necessary for the next stage of their learning. They have increased aspirations and are more confident in the art of speaking and listening, able be successful and use discussion to communicate and further their learning.