Careers Programmes

Every school within the Respect Collaboration of Schools has a Careers Programme that outlines the activities and events that are planned for pupils to provide them with the experiences necessary for them to develop an understanding of their future options, next steps, careers and work.
Each school’s programme will be different in order for it to be relevant to the needs and expectations of the pupils who attend that school. However, every programme will include opportunities for pupils, at relevant times in their educational journey, to:
- attend talks and presentations from relevant professionals about further education, higher education and the world of work.
- interact with professionals from post-16 providers (colleges, training providers and apprenticeship providers), employers and other relevant individuals from industry who can share valuable information, insights and experiences to support future decision making
- attend visits to education providers, workplaces and events that will support their understanding of their future options including technical, vocational and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education
- have appointments with a relevantly qualified and experienced careers advisor who can explore future options with them and provide impartial information, advice and guidance
- have an opportunity to be a part of a mock interview with a relevant professional who can ask them interview questions and provide constructive feedback that will support them in future interviews
- attend lessons that provide relevant information about future options and the world of work, including relevant labour market information
- build a bank of experiences and information about specific subjects, options, careers and vocations which interest them in order for them to make informed decisions about their future
- be supported in applying for, attending interviews for and transitioning to post-16 education
- be provided with any other relevant experience or opportunity based on their interests, goals and ambitions
From September 2024, please visit the relevant school’s website to find information about their Careers Programme.
Guide to what is expected by the end of each academic year from 8 to 11
Year 11
By the end of Year 11, The Respect Collaboration of Schools expects pupils to have:
- attended a minimum of three appointments with a careers advisor
- had contact with a minimum of three employers
- had contact with a minimum of three training providers (inc. one technical).
- visited a minimum of one provider
- visited a minimum of one workplace
- attended a careers fayre
- attended an open evening/event at a training provider (in addition to contact with a training provider).
- completed a minimum of one mock interview
- experienced one instance of employment-related interaction and/or experience
- made a next steps application
- created or updated a career interest portfolio (minimum of two career interests explored) and/or have reviewed/completed an online careers profile
- created a CV
Year 10
By the end of Year 10, The Respect Collaboration of Schools expects pupils to have:
- attended a minimum of one appointment with a careers advisor
- had contact with at least one employer
- attended a talk from a minimum of two training providers (inc. one technical)
- created a career interest portfolio (minimum of two career interests explored) and/or have completed an online careers profile
- created a strength-based pen portrait of themselves
Year 9
By the end of Year 9, The Respect Collaboration of Schools expects pupils to have:
- attended a minimum of one appointment with a careers advisor
- had contact with a minimum of one employer
- attended a talk from a minimum of one training provider (including information about technical and STEM options)
Year 8
By the end of Year 8, The Respect Collaboration of Schools expects pupils to have:
- had contact with a minimum of one employer
- attended a talk from a minimum of one training provider (including information about technical and STEM options)