We believe that every day is a new day and a fresh start!
Great today. Better tomorrow!
We are committed to the phrase ‘We Never Give Up’. We believe that in all our work students, staff and families deserve every opportunity to succeed.
Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do; we have a culture of high and realistic expectations and aim to give our young people, staff and families a sense of belonging to the school community.
We aim to provide personalised learning that meets the needs of all.
We show empathy to all; staff are compassionate and consistent in their approach, showing tolerance and respect.
Responsibility– Working together to achieve success
Empowerment– Building strength, fostering confidence
Sense of Belonging– Feel trusted and empowered
Personalised Learning– Pupils are recognised as individuals
Empathy– Caring for all and building relationships
Consistency– Commitment to high expectations and making a difference
Tolerance – Understanding that difference breeds creativity