We have one Governing Board which fulfills the function of the Governing Body and Management Committee of Bridge Street School, Castle School and Kingsmead School, known as the Respect Collaboration of Schools.
Parent Governors – Vacancies
The Board of Governors are looking to recruit two parent governors
These roles are volunteer posts and candidates should be aware that commitment to attend meetings in the evenings would be necessary. Training is available and all new governors are encouraged to attend induction training. All our governors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.
Terms of office are usually 4 years. Governors currently meet 16 times a year.
The Core Functions of the Governing Board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
What are the benefits?
- Being a school governor is a privilege – you are a small but very important part in an educational system with a very long history
- The knowledge that you have played a part in improving local children’s education and supported the school’s staff
- A chance to develop new skills, to practice and strengthen existing ones, such as chairing a meeting, researching or leading on a key school issue
- The opportunity to work as part of a team to make a real difference in the community
- The opportunity to meet new people from all walks of life whom you probably would not have otherwise encountered
- Knowing that the decisions you collectively make will have a huge impact on children’s lives
- You develop as a person and may even find that your experiences as a governor influence future career and life choices
Governing Body Structure
The following people make up the current Governing Body of our schools:
The Chair of Governors is Mrs Sandra Fletcher
The Vice-Chair of Governors is Kieran Dwyer
Standards Committee Responsibilities and Committee Members:
Responsibilities: Progress, Attainment, Attendance, Curriculum and Teaching and Learning
Members: Mike Pride, Sandra Fletcher, Debs Robinson, Will Broderick, Maria Lewis, Mina Munns, Katherine Pilling.
Resources Committee Responsibilities and Committee Members:
Responsibilities: Finance, Safeguarding, Behaviour and Health & Safety
Members: Mike Pride, Sandra Fletcher, Will Broderick, Kieran Dwyer, John Boyle, Gary Brockway
Full Governing Board Responsibilities: Monitoring of KPI’s
Our Clerk is Mrs Sharon Barker, who can be contacted by email at [email protected]. All governors can also be contacted in this way.