Our life experiences should not define us, we want to broaden opportunities to our communities to all us to be ‘better tomorrow’, and this will mean that our pupils, parents and staff will need additional support.

Our job as a collaboration is hold their hands and walk side by side. To ensure ‘we are better tomorrow’.

In our schools we will bring teachers together to create education communities so the children in our schools we can give young people the very best offer, with a rich and diverse curriculum.

Leaders will have access to expert advice to support the challenges of running schools, they will have on tap advice around

  • Curriculum implementation
  • SEND
  • Alternative Education
  • Attendance
  • SEMH & Behaviour
  • Safeguarding
  • Finance
  • Health and Safety

Our schools are communities and all stakeholders hold a major influence over their success. We need to give our community every opportunity to be successful.

We will focus on the following


  • High but realistic expectations
  • Unconditional positive regard
  • Wider curriculum access


  • Support and guidance for next steps and transition
  • Advice on the changing educational landscape
  • Information and support for the cost of living


  • Developed knowledge and teaching understanding
  • Retaining the best staff
  • CPD appropriate to the individual- not every teacher needs to be a leader