Enhancing Family Success Workers (EFS)

At the Respect Collaboration of schools we are passionate about enhancing opportunities for our pupils and families. EFS workers across schools work within our pastoral teams and are committed to improving pupil participation and engagement.


The main focus of their role is to work collaboratively with pupils and their families to increase pupil attendance and punctuality and reduce school absence by offering the following support:

  • Liaise with pupils and parents regarding their child’s attendance to provide advice and practical support
  • Support parents and pupils in understanding the benefits of regular school attendance.
  • Support pupils to independently travel to and from school
  • To complete home visits to ascertain the whereabouts of a pupil if they have not arrived in school, where there are potential safeguarding or safety risks.
  • To support new pupils transitioning into the school.
  • Liaise with external agencies where attendance is a concern

Family support

Working with parents and carers is essential to improve the learning and wellbeing of our pupils. Parental involvement improves pupil engagement, wellbeing and outcomes. Our EFS workers provide a range of family support, which includes

  • Providing advice and practical support for families to improve dynamics and relationships
  • Sign posting families to agencies and organisations for specific support packages
  • Delivering positive parenting support
  • Signposting families to community resources for example food banks
  • Offering advice, guidance and support regarding pupils post 16 options and destinations

If you would like support from an Enhancing Family Success Worker please contact your child’s school reception