Junction 16
Alternative Provision (AP) is at the heart of Respect Collaboration of Schools. We recognise and embrace the fact that not all children are suited to mainstream education pathways. Yet we certainly want them to have the same opportunities and expectations to achieve in whatever they excel in.
Junction 16 (J16) is a quality assurance and commissioning service that ensures all alternative provision offered by, and through, Respect Collaboration of Schools is of the highest standards in alternative provision. J16 act on behalf of our own schools and those of Derby City and beyond. We commission services in alternative provision every year so that contractually, there are assurances in the educational value of timetabled provision for all children. This is all carried out via a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) that is jointly managed by the local authority procurement department.
We enter in to partnership with schools who buy into our services and pride ourselves in effective working practices. Our team comprises of a Director of AP and commissioning, a senior AP mentor, two AP mentors and an administrator. Together we support and facilitate the needs of many requests for AP spanning through the key stages 1-4 (please visit Our Website for more information on the range of Alternative Provision Courses available this academic year).
Everything we do is Ofsted compliant and within the AP guidance for Alternative Provision. We are proud to be able to offer our own Junction 16 Alternative Provisions in Outdoor Education, Hair and Beauty and Construction with future courses in motor vehicle on the horizon.
Whether you are another school, parent, carer, student or other organisation, we welcome your enquiries into what we do as without regular and current interest/feedback, we would not be able to offer the services described above in the way that serves our students best.