Everyone who works in education and/or with children and young people is very aware of the increasing need for awareness, support and interventions relating to pupils’ social, emotion and mental health (SEMH).
The presentation of behaviours and communication relating to pupils’ responses to their experience of school and SEMH is having a direct impact on the work of schools and their staff. Professionals are needing to perceive, interpret and react in different ways to get both expected and desired results.
Derby City Council and The Respect Collaboration of Schools has worked collaboratively with school leaders and influencers in Derby to create a vision for “City of Experts” that can anticipate and be pro-active in the support of every pupil’s SEMH.
The SEMH and Inclusion Advisory service is tasked with connecting with schools. The service will work closely with engaged schools individually to provide advice, guidance and training that the staff want and need to feel confident when working with pupils. This may include advice and support on school policy, systems and processes in order to create SEMH informed and accepting environments that will proactively increase the probability of engagement and success for all pupils.
For more information or for a conversation about how you can get involved, please contact us through the collaborate section.