Safeguarding at the RESPECT Collaboration of Schools
Schools are charged with maintaining a safe, supportive environment which protects the rights and needs of children at all times. School staff have regular contact with children and young people, and a responsibility to help to identify signs of children in need of additional support or protection accordingly. Together, these responsibilities are called safeguarding. All staff at Respect Collaboration of Schools work very closely together to ensure we meet all expectations. These professionals in school are all here to help:
As a school we work closely with DDSCP and comply with DDSCP safeguarding arrangements.
Information for Parents and Carers
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (DDSCP) is made up of senior staff from the organisations who work across Derby and Derbyshire to provide services to children, young people and their families.
Our work is to prevent harm to children
- Get more information if you are worried about a child
- We provide information to parents and the community to help them keep children safe directly and through health services and schools
- We also provide information for people who work with children and if you want to know more about a specific issue or topic view our DDSCP resources
- If you would like help and extra support for your children or your family you can get more information from your GP about the services that are available
- Depending on the age of your children, your midwife or health visitor or school will be able to provide more information.
If the concern is an Immediate safeguarding risk or a child is in danger please call the police on 999.
You may also want to discuss your concerns with a Social Care Worker. The First Contact Team deals with all concerns about children and young people across the city. You can contact them Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm. Telephone: 01332 641172.
Derby City Care Line is the out-of-hours emergency social work service for people living in or visiting Derby. You can contact them on 01332 956606