The Prince’s Trust Achieve programme at Kingsmead School is a personal development programme of learning that is designed to provide students with opportunities to understand and develop their skills and to promote positive decision making and contribution to society. Through their participation in the achieve programme students will work towards The Prince’s Trust qualifications in Personal Development and Employability Skills.
The Prince’s Trust qualification recognises a breadth of personal skills, qualities and attitudes required by employers across a range of sectors. It has been developed with the aim of progressing learners into further education and/or employment and is appropriate for use with pre and post 16-year-old learners.
They give learners the opportunity to:
- Develop their own personal growth and engagement in, and through, learning
- Engage in learning that is relevant to them and support their development of personal skills and attributes that are essential for working life and employment
- Prepare themselves for progression into further education programmes, apprenticeships or other work-based learning
- Develop their English and mathematics skills within a practical, relevant context
Princes Trust Entry 3 to Level 2 Award, Certificate, Extended Certificate